Helpful Tips for Hiring a Trusted Vendor
- Let the vendor know that you selected the vendor from the GVC-PVP referral list
- Arizona law requires a contractor to be licensed for all work over $1,000 labor and material included. Call the Registrar of Contractors at 602-542-1525 or go to to see if a contractor is currently licensed. When you call the Registrar of Contractors be ready to tell them the vendor’s license number.1
- If a job is under $1,000 and a permit is not required an unlicensed vendor may be used. Always be sure to check references and obtain estimates from other vendors before hiring.
- If you use an uninsured vendor in your home or on your property, you are liable under your homeowner’s liability insurance for any accident to the vendor, their employees and anyone else who is harmed by the work being done.1
- Check if the project requires approval from your HOA/POA. If it does, follow the necessary review procedure outlined in your association’s CC&Rs
- Get three competitive bids. Ask if estimates are free; if not, get the cost of the estimate first.
- Do not hire anyone who comes to the door or calls on the phone without checking their credentials.
- Do not pay in full until work is completed satisfactorily. Be careful of prepayments and large down payments. Have a payment schedule based on work completed as part of your agreement.
- Have a clear understanding of the contract. Does it say what you want? Be aware that changes may cost more money. Have a written agreement on price before any work is done. Get the warranty in writing and in detail, along with the contractor’s permit number.
1 Although the Green Valley Council makes every effort to keep vendor information up-to-date, if you have a question concerning whether the contractor is licensed or needs a license, call the Registrar of Contractors at 602-542-1525, or got to to see if a contract is currently licensed. When you call the Registrar of Contractors be sure to have the contractors license number available.
*** Once the job is complete, you can assist GVC-PVP by contacting the Program Consultant and giving us your review. We will note it in the vendor’s file. This will help the program to continue providing up-to-date information to the community. ***